ClickBank Blog

A curated hub of affiliate marketing know-how, e-commerce insights, and ClickBank education. Our team has designed the ClickBank Blog to be both informative and entertaining by featuring ClickBank writers, guest bloggers, and valuable guides to help you find out what you want to know.

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ClickBank Blog

A curated hub of affiliate marketing know-how, e-commerce insights, and ClickBank education. Our team has designed the ClickBank Blog to be both informative and entertaining by featuring ClickBank writers, guest bloggers, and valuable guides to help you find out what you want to know.

is affiliate marketing dead
We've talked about affiliate marketing before on this blog – but if you're new to the concept, affiliate marketing is an advertising model where a third party sells another company's products in exchange for a commission. The affiliate marketing model began in 1989, and throughout the 1990s and 2000s, it grew in popularity.  But today,…
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